Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Big news

So im officially noting that :Defectiva: will be absorbing [S-P] in order to make one big store.

There will continue to be grunge items produced in :Defectiva: but will no longer hold the store brand [S-P]

Some items from [S-P] will be completely discontinued, and some will be remade into new versions.

more on this when the merger is closer to completion

Thursday, June 19, 2008


Hey All Im sorry I am the worst about updating my Blog. I know. My bad.

Join the Group if you want all release updates. Ill usually update as soon as I put up the vendor, so a few customers get to come see me in the hair for a in-world Demo without the spinny thing.

Defect from the norm, :Defectiva:
:Defectiva: Main Store Location

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

A question for the ones who care.

What is it you all want to see most?

Ive had alot of requests for me to hurry up with the hair, some for anims, some for pants, shoes, ect.

What clothing item/ item in general does your Avatar lack most?

:Defectiva: Is on


Is now open :D

Come check out Connor (The male skin) and the constantly growing collection of clothing and other apparel.